
Career opportunities, the cost of studying, and global politics influence the flow of talent
The United States faces a workforce shortage that many see as the most serious bottleneck towards economic growth and technological development. The U.S., like many European countries including Finland, seeks to attract foreign talent to address the workforce issues. The factors affecting the global mobility of students and young professionals have undergone a number of changes in the past few years.
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Student mobility opening new academic horizons in Finland and Latin America
While Latin America has lagged behind on student mobility, universities in the region are rapidly gaining traction in internationalization. Although Finland is an attractive destination for Latin American students, it still remains an unfamiliar one. Also for Finnish students, Latin America has not been the most popular destination given its distant location and the students’ unfamiliarity with local languages. However, there are plenty of mutually beneficial opportunities to be discovered, as both Finnish and Latin American universities strive for a more global outlook.
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Finland soon left out in African mobility unless…
Academic mobility is one of the most important forms of collaborative learning. It allows the academic community to share and advance scientific knowledge and innovations. However, to fulfill this commitment Finland has still a long way to go. What are we exactly missing out, and what could we do to fix it?
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Sea turtles, status symbols and fanfares – the changing tides of student mobility in China
For decades, China's development strategy was based on absorbing and adopting foreign influences. Since the start of China's reform and opening-up policy (gaige kaifang) in 1978, approximately 8 million Chinese, according to Ministry of Education of China, have studied in foreign universities. During the the peak year 2019, they amounted to over 700,000. Over the years, the steady flow of Chinese students has been strategically important for both China and many of its partner countries, helping Chinese individuals gain a better understanding of the world and the world to understand China.
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Canada - an attractive option for student mobility
Breathtaking views on the Rocky Mountains are often the first thing you picture when thinking about Canada. No wonder, this land of maple leaf, attracts exchange and degree students from all over the world. Top level higher education institutions, nature and several practical issues have led many young people to choose Canadian institutions for their studies – At the moment around 800 000 international students can call Canada home and Canadian higher education institutions really act as melting pots for a wide variety of cultures and nationalities.
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Indian diaspora is well integrated – and well paid
India is challenged by the world’s largest population of young students, who yearn to get quality education to build their future. Many go abroad to study and work. Finland is raising in popularity among Indian students, and the growing diaspora makes Finland even better known. Indian diaspora is well integrated and better paid than the Finns on average.
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The transforming landscapes of higher education in the UK
The ever-evolving post-Brexit landscape is changing the lives of EU-youths, students and graduates, all the while global economic pressures and geopolitical tensions have tangible effects on political and social institutions. Great Britain is a popular destination for Finnish students wanting to study abroad. How is this changing amidst social, economic and geopolitical challenges?
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Student mobility between Finland and the US
Student mobilization is the phenomenon of students crossing geographical borders to obtain a portion or all of their education in a country other than their own. If one is considering to study in Finland, there are plenty of reasons why it might be just the perfect destination to go to. For international students seeking higher education, Finland is a top destination due to its high-quality education system and world-class universities. The country has previously been ranked very high in international education assessments, including the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA). Finland’s education approach is centered on providing opportunities for students who study in Finland. Finland is a safe country that has a strong social welfare system and a lot to experience in terms of natural sightseeing places, history and city life.
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